The elements of Service ot the Word are listed in the order they appear in the Divine Service in the left column and the description of them is in the right column.

Introit The introit or "entrance psalm" is a short psalm which can be spoken responsively between Pastor and people. It follows the corporate confession of sins and absolution. This is figuratively entrance into God's presence. The form of the introit is: a two line sentence called an "antiphon" followed by several psalm verses, then the Gloria Patri, and ending with the same antiphon as is spoken at the beginning.
Gloria Patri "Glory to the Lord". When the people are granted entrance into God's presence they sing this short song of praise in gratitude for the extreme blessing to be there. The form of the Gloria Patri is Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.
Kyrie Then, recogizing their desperate need for mercy, they plead this three fold petition Lord, have mercy upon us, Christ, have mercy upon us, Lord, have mercy upon us.
Gloria in Excelsis Then, having received mercy from the Lord God, the people break into an exuberant song of praise and thanksgiving with special adoration of Christ for His great glory and mercy.
Collect of the Day This collect is a short prayer which is intended to focus the people's attention on the theme of the day and to prepare them to hear and take to heart the readings from Holy Scripture.
Readings from Holy Scripture These readings are taken directly from Holy Scripture. They consist of an Old Testament reading (from Acts during the Season of Easter--three year lectionary), A Psalm or Choir music may occur here. Next a Gradual is spoken, (omitted during the Season of Easter--one year Lectionary). Then the reading of part of an Epistle, then the Verse and finally reading of the Gospel. There are usually praise sentences surrounding the reading of the Verse and the Gospel. Also after each of the first two readings, there is the statement by the Reader: This is the Word of the Lord and the people respond: Thanks be to God. After the Gospel reading, the Reader states This is the Gospel of the Lord, and the people respond with Praise be to Thee, O Christ
The Creed The creed is a corporate statement of what we believe and teach about the nature of the triune God, namely the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as He has revealed Himself in the Holy Scriptures. Specifically, we belive in God the Father, creator of all things, and in God the Son, who won salvation for us, and in God the Holy Spirit, who delivers and sustains us in the living faith.
Hymn of the Day This hymn is focused upon the readings and prepares the people to hear the Sermon
The Sermon The Sermon is Pastor's explanation of the readings, usually focused upon one of them, and the relationship of them to Law and Gospel The Law part is to make clear our desperate need of salvation from sin and eternal death, and the Gospel is the good news of the forgiveness of sins and freedom from eternal death won for us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Offertory The offertory, sung directly following the Sermon, and is a supplication by the people that God would help them to take to heart the message just delivered and a plea for a right mind and heart to proceed to the offering properly.
The Offering This is where the people deliver their monitary support for God's house, His special servant, the Pastor,and the message of salvation that the Church is tasked to give.
Prayer of the Church The Prayer of the Church is a series of petitions by the Pastor facing the altar. Prayers for the nation, Church leadership, peace in the World, special needs for Church members, etc. The response by the people after each petition is "Lord, have mercy".
This ends the Service of the Word