Playing the Divine Service files
These files are all in Windows Media Player (*.wmv) format. The bitrate on all of them is less than 1Mbit/sec (1megabit/second). They can be played using Windows Media Player 11, which comes with Windows XP and Windows 7, and it may be useable with Windows 10 also. Alternatively,you can use VLC, a universal player. VLC installer can be downloaded here.
Browsers and internet connection speed
I use the browser K-MELEON to play these files. This is a portable app which can be downloaded here.
The browser you use should load the default player, which then begins playing the file. If it tries to download the file (at the video bit rate--slow) instead of playing it, some setting on your computer or the browser needs to be changed. Your internet download speed should be at least 1Mbit/sec for good viewing.
Accessing Other Videos On The Site
You can access any of the other video files on the site by using the url: in your browser address bar where mmddyy is the monthdayyear of the available Sunday Service date. A list of these may be found here. I intend to keep at least two month's worth of Sunday Service videos available and accessable using the above url.
About the "Red" Divine Service files
These files have no camera video,but video is included in the form of captions identifying the various Divine Service elements and presenting words of much of the Liturgy. The words of the hymns are also included. These various video elements are embedded on video "Black". There is complete Divine Service audio as well. It may seem strange to present the Divine Service this way, especialy when all other video Services have complete camera video. I've noticed that without the distracion of camera video, that I appreciate more the richness of the liturgy which comes directly from Scripture, and the singing of the hymns. Remember, "faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ";.Romans 10:17. I like these videos, and if you try watching one, you may like it also. Note that these Divine Service links are from present day Services.
About the "Blue" Divine Service files
These files have complete camera video,and video is added in the form of captions identifying the various Divine Service elements and presenting words of much of the Liturgy. The words of the hymns are also included, and Divine Service audio. Notice from the years indicated in the Divine Service file links that these files are achives from the years 2013-2016.

The years listed in the "Blue" section just above, 2013-2016, are the span of the three year lectionary. The "Red" files are from Services which use the one year lectionary. The two lectionaries are usually different, and so to minimize confusion, the red and blue Services will be paired by the same Sunday of the Church Year.